May 2001: Gimp-Web-Archive at XCF starts. 6. Jun. 2001: Apparently Carol has freshly taken the coordination job. She wants to assemble content and opposes starting with a working page. 1. Aug. 2001: Branko complains that web development happens on IRC and there seems no clear direction in the effort. He proposes some ways to go forward. Some discussion emerges. 24. Oct. 2001: Simon mentions that the gimp-web stuff seems to be stuck. It is apparently obvious that Tommers Content system dangles in the air. He proposes a SSI-based solution. It seems he trodded on some feet, this discussion does not happen on the list though (and my memory is blurry about that). 29. Oct. 2001: Raphaël does some work on the old pages and derives some requirements from the old system. 9. Nov. 2001: Simon presents a sketch for a XML/XSLT based solution. (From Memory: xsltproc on could not handle some xslt-features necessary for it to work, nobody wanted to update it, thus this sketch never made it any further.) 19. Jan. 2002: Carol: "i quit. someone needs to be found who is competent and able to do this web site job." 21. Jan. 2002: Sven: "At least when viewed from the outside it looks as if the web project is pretty much stalled." - encourages carol. Carol seems to lighten up a bit, Sven states that all necessary resources are available. 12. Feb. 2002: Carol announces a "compile party" to get input for a Install-GIMP-HowTo. [ nothing happens for a very long time ] 10. Feb. 2003: Raphaël announces some minor edits to the old site. 21. Feb. 2003: Branko Collins wonders about the hitherto unknown mailing list for gimp-web. Sven and Simon are surprised as well. Carol claims that this list was created "because one of the people who had been active was feeling left out when school started for him." and "one of the old gimp web masters told [her] that he didn't think that mail lists were very good for this sort of thing." 31. Mar. 2003: Carol asks for testing the News system. 1. April 2003: (one day later) Carol complains that nobody except herself tests the News system and suggests that she gets fired and replaced by someone competent. 2. April 2003: Carol gets encouraged by lots of people. Raphaël mentions problems with NS4 compatibility and promises that "[he] will try to support the transition to the new design as much as I can. It is unlikely that I will be able to do much before Easter, but I will do my best after that." 3. April 2003: Carol is frustrated about the state achieved and talks about it as a "failed idea". She gets encouraged again, e.g. by Raphaël. Simon suggests to put the site in production use. 4. April 2003: Raphael makes sure that nobody waits for him: "I will try to contribute later, but for the moment this is just not possible for me. Believe me, I would if I could. But the time I am spending on these mails is already too much for me. Sorry." 8. April 2003: Carol obviously is not convinced of mmmaybe. 15. April 2003: Carol declares mmmaybe dead. And gets encouraged again. Again she talks about a different person taking over. 16. April 2003: Carol again mentions her "quitting". 20. April 2003: Sven announces [21. - 22. April: Easter] 22. April 2003: GimpCon2 is getting nearer. 24. April 2003: Raphael again confirms that he is unable to help right now and asks that nobody waits for him, even to ignore his earlier mails. 14. Jun 2003: Carol kind of announces some unspecified maintenance for wilber. People are confused. 17. Jun 2003: Carol wants the site moved. Apparently she awaited some commit from some unspecified person. Raphaël defends himself for not doing anything and outlines what in his opinion has to be done before the switch. He considers the NS4 issue a blocker. 18. Jun 2003: Raphael wants to know if he is allowed to fix the NS4 issues. 19. Jun 2003: Raphael promises to do some work on the NS4-issue but announces that he won't commit anything to CVS. [ Nothing is heard from Raphaël until... ] 7/8/9/10. August 2003: Chaos Communication camp, Gimper gathering. Generally people have the impression that Carol is not willing or able to manage the (future) Raphaël is prepared to maintain the site and gets the support of the attendees. The Attendees fail in communicating this to the rest of the community. People active on the gimp-web mailinglist that attended: Raphaël, Brix, [Branko, Sven] Also participating: drc who is involved in the design of mmmaybe. 13. August 2003: Gimp-Web gets constructive again. 8. Sep. 2003: Raphaël asks for static pages. Helvetix opposes. 12. Sep. 2003: Helvetix gives up maintainence of the site since he feels abused as a remote text editor and also does not share Raphaëls strong feelings about SSI. 16. Sep. 2003: Raphael went into the system, breaking it thoroughly. 23. Sep. 2003: Raphael gives a status update and states that he considers mmmaybe ready for the launch and asks Yosh to launch it. Carol complains about the removal of the ressources pages. Carol apparently "fired" Niklas because he removed the ressources links in the Site Menu. The descision from GimpCon2 gets mentioned. [Archive at XCF ends]