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Want to learn stuff about the GIMP? I could present these two talks on the Chaos Communication Camp:

Using the GIMP

Doing the first Steps with the GIMP is not really easy, especially when you don't have an image manipulation background. This talk attempts to lower the entry barrier. After an short introduction in the history of Gimp and features of the recend releases I will give a live presentation of the Gimp. Some basic image manipulation tasks will be presented:

This part is highly interactive: the audience is encouraged to ask questions.
Using The GIMP (xml)

Writing Plug-ins for The GIMP

Extending the Gimp with new functionality is – uhm – easy. Since The GIMP is Freeware there are lots of code samples available. However, this code is not really thoroughly documented and you need to twist your brain a while until you figure out what e.g. a GimpPixelRegion is. This talk explains the basic concepts on writing Scripts and Plug-Ins for The GIMP. We will walk through a sample script and a sample plug-in. The audience is encouraged to ask questions.
Writing Plug-ins for The GIMP (xml)

About me

Simon Budig is a GIMP-Veteran. Starting with GIMP 0.99.10 he gradually got dragged into the GIMP development. He is very keen on promoting the GIMP at a lot of places and gave talks at various opportunities – LinuxTag, Guadec, linuxforum.dk...