Download Jack

Description Version Location
There will be no further updates here. Look on github, please. latest src github
Debian users, get your latest deb here
some bugfixes, plugins are back 3.1.1 jack-3.1.1.tar.gz
A bit early for Xmas. Read the manpage, some commands have changed 3.1.0 jack-3.1.0.tar.gz
Finally! 3.0.0 jack-3.0.0.tar.gz
Please read my comments on the main page. 2.99.9 jack-2.99.9.tar.gz
current version, but documentation is notoriously old, read INSTALL! This is what you should use. Includes cursesmodule. 2.99.8 jack-2.99.8.tar.gz
old version. 2.99.7 jack-2.99.7.tar.gz
old version. 2.99.5 jack-2.99.5.tar.gz
older tested CVS snapshot without up-to-date documentation, read INSTALL! 2.99.3-pre jack-pre3.0-2000-08-13.tar.gz
beta version without up-to-date documentation, read INSTALL! OLD! 2.99.0-pre disabled
stable but old. 2.2.0 disabled
older version, small bugs 2.1.0 disabled
old buggy version 2.0.1 disabled
buggy version 2.0.0 disabled
older version 1.3.5 disabled
older version 1.3.4 disabled
older version, known bugs. 1.3.3 disabled
older version 1.3.2 disabled
older version 1.3.1 disabled
if you use the current version, you don't need this anymore: cursesmodule patched for Jack, includes precompiled shared binary. Now includes binary for Debian Potato. 1.5b2 cursesmodule-with-resizeterm-1.5b2.tar.gz

If your really need one of the older versions, contact me. I disabled the old ones because some people still believe that a "stable" version actually works better then something labeled "pre-alpha" :-).

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© Arne Zellentin,
(changed: Monday, 06-Jul-2020 17:02:34 CEST)