"Delay Loop Generator / PHP (de)", "CPUSPEED" => "Prozessor-Speed:", "DELAYTIME" => "Delay time:", "REGISTERS" => "Zu verwendende Register:", "OKBUTTON" => "  Code erzeugen  ", "RESULTCODE" => "Erzeugter Code:", "CALLMETHOD" => "Aufruf-Methode:", "PC_WIDTH" => "Bitbreite des Program-Counters (PC):", ); if (! in_array( $lang, array_keys( $config ))) { $lang = "de"; } // ---------------------------------------------------- $txt = isset( $config[ $lang ] ) ? $config[ $lang ] : $config[ "de" ]; // get vars from $_POST: -------------------------------------------- $cpuspeed_type = $_POST["cpuspeed_type" ]; $cpuspeed_select = $_POST["cpuspeed_select"]; $cpuspeed_entry = $_POST["cpuspeed_entry" ]; if (! in_array($cpuspeed_type, array('entry', 'select'))) { $cpuspeed_type = "select"; } // DELAYTIME: $delaytime_type = $_POST["delaytime_type"]; if (! in_array($delaytime_type, array('entry1', 'entry2'))) { $delaytime_type = "entry1"; } $delaytime_entry = $_POST["delaytime_" . $delaytime_type ]; // REGISTERS: $registers = array(); $count_registers = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < 32; $i++ ) { if ( isset($_POST["register_R$i"]) ) { $registers[] = "R$i"; $count_registers += 1; } } $callmethod = $_POST["callmethod"]; if (! in_array( $callmethod, array('rcall', 'nocall'))) { $callmethod = "rcall"; } $pcwidth = (int)$_POST["pcwidth" ]; if (! ( ($pcwidth==16) || ($pcwidth=22))) { $pcwidth=16; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // this function will reside in dlg02_coder.php, later. function burn_cycles( $num ) { global $count_registers; $gewinn = 0; // Level2: Y/3 = s(z+1) : exakt bei: 3teilbar, mind.6 bei smz: 1..256 if (($gewinn == 0) && ( $num > 768)) { $gewinn = burn_level_2( $num ); } if (($gewinn == 0) && ($num > 10)) { $gewinn = burn_level_1( $num ); } if ($gewinn == 0) { if ($num < 10) { $gewinn = burn_level_0( $num ); } } return $gewinn; } /* Layout: +--------------+ | Form | Code | | | | | | | | | | | | | +--------------+ */ ?>
" . $txt["RESULTCODE"] . "\n"; print "
  printCommentLine( "avr delay loop generator V $version" );
  printCommentLine( "feel free to use the generated code." );
  printCommentLine( "------------------------------------" );

  // ----------------------------------------------------
  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // main program starts here: --------------------------------------------------

  $cpuspeed_value = $cpuspeed_type == "select" ? $cpuspeed_select : $cpuspeed_entry;
  $cpuspeed       = false;

  if (preg_match( "/^(\d[0-9.]*)\s*(MHz)?/i" , $cpuspeed_value, $matches )) {
    $cpuspeed = (float)$matches[1];
    // print "$cpuspeed
\n"; if (isset( $matches[2] )) { $cpuspeed *= 1000000; } // $cpuspeed = round( $cpuspeed ); } printCommentLine( "CPUSPEED = $cpuspeed [1/sec]" ); // time to burn: // way #1: $time_to_burn = 0.0; // [sec] // convert a string like 5s65ms to a sec-Value: $tmp = trim( $delaytime_entry ); if ($delaytime_type == "entry1") { while (preg_match("/^([0-9][0-9.]*)([hmsu]+)/i", $tmp, $matches )) { $number = (float)$matches[1]; $timename = $matches[2]; if ($timename == "us") { $number = $number / 1000000.0; } elseif ($timename == "ms") { $number = $number / 1000.0; } elseif ($timename == "m") { $number = $number * 60.0; } elseif ($timename == "h") { $number = $number * 3600.0; } elseif ($timename == "s") { $number = $number; } else { print "unknown time format in '$tmp'.
\n"; return 0; } $time_to_burn += $number; $tmp = substr( $tmp, strlen($matches[1] . $matches[2]) ); } printCommentLine( "time to delay: $time_to_burn [sec]" ); $cycles_to_burn = $time_to_burn * $cpuspeed; $cycles_to_burn = (int)round( $cycles_to_burn ); } else { $cycles_to_burn = (int)$tmp; if ($cpuspeed > 0) { $time_to_burn = $cycles_to_burn / $cpuspeed; printCommentLine( "time to delay: $time_to_burn [sec]" ); } } printCommentLine( "cycles to delay: " . $cycles_to_burn ); //$cycles_to_burn = 13; //printCommentLine( "test cycles to burn: " . $cycles_to_burn . ""); if ($time_to_burn > 0.05) { printCommentLine( ""); printCommentLine( "Sorry, but this online version calculates"); printCommentLine( "only loops with up to 0.05 seconds."); exit(); } // zu verbratende Zyklen coden: printCommentLine(""); $minus1 = num_start_code_cycles( $cycles_to_burn ); $minus2 = num_end_code_cycles( $cycles_to_burn ); printCommentLine("$minus1, $minus2"); $cycles_to_burn = $cycles_to_burn - $minus1 - $minus2; printCommentLine( "cycles to delay: " . $cycles_to_burn . " + $minus1 + $minus2" ); burn_start_code( $cycles_to_burn ); $maxiter = 30; while (( $cycles_to_burn > 0 ) && ($maxiter > 0)) { printCodeLine( "", "", "cycles to do = $cycles_to_burn"); $gewinn = burn_cycles( $cycles_to_burn ); printCodeLine( "", "", "gain = $gewinn"); $cycles_to_burn -= $gewinn; $maxiter -= 1; } burn_end_code( $cycles_to_burn ); ?>Iteration overflow!"; } } // action else { print " \n"; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ?>