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Golden Text

Part I, Part II, Part III

At the Bumpmap-Options you can select different between four different Curves for Bumpmapping. So you can select between a linear, spherical, logarithmic and a sinusoidial Bumpmap.

There is a much more flexible way to specify the surface of the Bumpmap. The Key is the <Image>/Image/Colors/Curves-Dialog. Create the text and blur it with a wider radius. Then select the Curves-Dialog and modify the text-profile. A little Blur (Radius 2) makes the Bumpmap a little bit smoother. See the examples below.

Dialog 1 Bumpmap 1 Result 1
Dialog 2 Bumpmap 2 Result 2
Dialog 3 Bumpmap 3 Result 3
Dialog 4 Bumpmap 4 Result 4

Another possibility is the use of a different gradient.

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Zuletzt geändert am 11.09.98    © 2000-2003 by Simon Budig